World Water Week

By Stuti Chakraborty

Water is an impeccably pivotal resource gifted by mother nature which is essential for the basic survival of humans on this planet. Yet we, being an extremely apathetic generation emphasising too much on technology, completely neglect the importance of preserving the purity and natural integrity of water bodies around us.

The World Water Week is celebrated annually and this year’s event is marked in the calendar between the 26 th – 30 th of August, 2018. The proceedings of the event will happen in Stockholm, the capital of
Sweden. It is a co-ordinating initiative which has been undertaken by the Stockholm International Water Institute. The SIWI visualises a water wise world, which realises and recognises the value of water resources.

The theme which has been adopted for the 28 th World Water Week is Water, Ecosystems and Human Development. This theme is aimed at spearheading various conversations regarding climate change, increased water variability and stressed ecosystems.

The previous editions of the World Water Week have addressed several aspects of the multitude of problems being faced worldwide due to:
         1- A growing global population
        2- Increased demand and less availability of fresh water
        3- Rapid, climate-driven changes in weather patterns
        4- Extended droughts and devastating floods

Another focus of the World Water Weeks held previously, was the realisation of the sustainable development goals, especially SDG 6 on clean water and sanitation. More so, water resources are unequally being utilised by various countries and are instigating national conflicts due to their unequal distribution and utilisation. Hence the other objectives of the World Water Weeks have been to harness national leadership and global partnership to scale up actions to prevent such conflict.

Various leaders from South Africa and other parts of the world have also emphasized the need for sustainable and coming of age technologies to facilitate the changes for tomorrow.

‘’Water is the driving force of all nature’’​

Leonardo da Vinci

The objectives of the World Water Weeks are well defined. It brings together representatives from governments, private sectors, multilateral organisations, civil society and academia to shape joint solutions to global water challenges. The Week also strives for equal gender participation.

This year’s World Water Week is being broadcasted through multiple social media channels, such as on Facebook live and Vimeo, so as to reach out to wider audience and to grab the attention of a wide array of global citizens.

The core agendas of the World Water Weeks include reduction of poverty, impacting worldwide health, climate and economy by fostering and encouraging new thinking. It also focuses on –
        1- Applying scientific knowledge and research to policy framework building and implementation yielding concrete solutions to water problems

        2- Establishing cooperative and pro-active collaborations between individuals and organisations epitomising various fields of expertise

        3- Highlighting and appreciating ground breaking research, practices and policies

        4- Reviewing the implementation of various actions, decisions and commitments at international levels

        5- Applauding achievements in the realms of water innovation and sustainability

Water quality is swiftly degrading and firm, sustainable decisions, clairvoyant of the future are the need of the hour, to prevent further dilapidation of our water resources. It is time we all take a collective action, and contribute towards upholding the purity of water, in every small way we can. 

Stay tuned for more updates on World Water Week, 2018!

Sincerely Yours,