Water and Sanitation

Plastic Exchange Project

This project aims to create an awareness to address and reduce the negative effect of plastic waste dumping in our environment which ends up local water ways and eventually in oceans and seas.

The project also intends to show the economic benefits of engaging in the recycling of plastic waste locally in the environment. Finally the project shows a positive correlation between the recycling of plastic products and the reduction of carbon emissions into air caused by the production of new plastic products.

Our aim is to create and empower plastic exchange brand ambassadors in schools, residential estates, places of worship, restaurants and eateries, office environment, at events or occasions to support in spreading the awareness of our project in their areas of influence while also assisting in the overall effort to reduce the menace of indiscriminate dumping of plastic waste.

This project aims to create an awareness to address and reduce the negative effect of plastic waste dumping in our environment which ends up local water ways and eventually in oceans and seas.

The project also intends to show the economic benefits of engaging in the recycling of plastic waste locally in the environment. Finally the project shows a positive correlation between the recycling of plastic products and the reduction of carbon emissions into air caused by the production of new plastic products.

Our aim is to create and empower plastic exchange brand ambassadors in schools, residential estates, places of worship, restaurants and eateries, office environment, at events or occasions to support in spreading the awareness of our project in their areas of influence while also assisting in the overall effort to reduce the menace of indiscriminate dumping of plastic waste.

Through carefully coordinated enlightenment workshops and campaigns in the above mentioned social environments, Plastic Exchange aims to promote a reorientation of how waste is disposed of especially plastic waste and its long term negative effect on our immediate and general environment.

We also want to use this project to create some form of social and/or economic empowerment for our various brand ambassadors by providing incentives to them, upon their achievement of agreed measurable targets and milestones in the course of this project.

We believe that if the culture of plastic recycling is reinforced and adhered to by various social groups there would be a systematic reduction in the production of new plastic materials by manufacturers who rely on fossil fuels and hydrocarbon raw materials for its production; thereby promoting low carbon growth and pollution in water ways.  

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